The Hummingbird House

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In this eagerly anticipated spin-off to the Ladybug Farm series, Paul and Derrick set about opening the Hummingbird House B&B with their usual style and flair, only to find that they may have taken on more than they bargained for.  Despite constant coaching from their friends Cici, Bridget and Lindsay, they don't seem to be able to do anything right.  They soon find themselves at odds with their teenage housekeeper, overwhelmed by a zany spiritualist who seems determined to take over their lives, and, most horrifying of all, on the wrong side of the law.  But forces are at work behind the scenes that put unrelated strangers on the road to The Hummingbird House, where accidents become destiny, defeat is transformed into victory, and all that is required for a miracle is an open heart. 

Welcome to the Hummingbird House, where you might not always find what you expect, but you will always find what you need.

Read an excerpt here

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